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The Principle of Effectiveness in Lithuanian Public Procurement Law: This Way or No Way

Deividas Soloveičik

The present article is the analysis of the Lithuanian case-law in the field of remedies in public procurement law and implementation of the principle of effectiveness in particular. The author considers the national case-law as a good practice example of the successful enforcement of the principle to its fullest extent within the realm of a particular legal jurisdiction. The article suggests that such enforcement of the effective remedies has many gains benefitting the market players and the whole public procurement system.
Keywords: Principle of Effectiveness: Lithuanian Case Law; Remedies in Public Procurement Law.

Dr Deividas Soloveičik, LL.M, MCIArb, Associate professor at Vilnius University, Department of Private Law. Faculty of Law, Saulėtekio al. 9, I Building, LT-10222 Vilnius, Lithuania, Tel. (+370 5) 236 61 70, e-mail: deividas@soloveicik.lt.


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