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The Evolving Concept of ‘Conflict of Interests’ in the EU Public Procurement Law

Deividas Soloveičik, Karolis Šimanskis

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/epppl/2017/2/6

Keywords: Public Procurement, Lithuania, Conflicts of Interest, eVigilo, Supreme Court, Directive 2014/24

The concept of conflict of interests is the emerging theme in both the EU public procurement doctrine and legal practice. This article is an endeavour to examine the roots of conflict of interests and to understand if generally applicable features of the concept are equally relevant in public procurement law. It will be shown that there are different types of conflict of interests which are relevant, namely to the practice of public procurement and having the sui generis nature. The publication includes the thorough examination of the EU and Lithuanian case-law related to the conflicts of interest as well as the analysis of the relevant provisions of the Directive 2014/24.
Keywords: Public Procurement; Lithuania; Conflicts of Interest; eVigilo; Supreme Court; Directive 2014/24.

Dr Deividas Soloveičik, LL.M, MCIArb, Partner and Head of Public Procurement Practice at Cobalt Lithuania, and Associate Professor at the Department of Private Law, The Faculty Law, Vilnius University, e-mail: <deividas@soloveicik.lt>; Karolis Šimanskis, LL.M, Ph. D. candidate, The Faculty of Law, Mykolas Romeris University, e-mail: <karolis.simanskis@gmail.com>. DOI: 10.21552/epppl/2017/2/6


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