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Rethinking The Role Of Civil Society In Public Procurement

Carol Cravero

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/epppl/2019/1/6

Keywords: sustainable public procurement, civil society, integrity

Global challenges increasingly require collaborative state-civil society efforts. The formulation and delivery of public policies are no longer the prerogative of the public administration alone. Instead, civil society might play an important role in public policies, including buying practices. Although examples of civil society’s involvement already exist in some public procurement frameworks, its potential is still underexploited or even neglected as to specific public procurement’s stages or purposes. Whilst some specific provisions have been enacted to ensure its effective participation in public procurement to enhance transparency, civil society involvement in buying processes might help fostering sustainability. This paper specifically analyses the questions on how and when (ie at what procurement stage) the involvement of civil society is/can be provided and for what purpose(s) in the light of the 2018 OECD-MAPS and the MDBs guidance documents with a particular focus integrity pacts.
Keywords: Sustainable public procurement; Civil society; Integrity.

Carol Cravero is a PhD student at the University of Turin and University of Paris Nanterre.


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