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Slovenia ∙ A Challenging Transposition of Directive 2014/23/EU on the Award of Concession Contracts to Slovenia – the New Certain Concession Contracts Act

Petra Ferk, Boštjan Ferk, Katja Hodošček

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/epppl/2019/3/9

Petra Ferk, PhD, Director of Research at the Institute for Public-Private Partnership, Slovenia and Assistant Professor at the New University, Slovenia. For correspondence: <mailto:petra.ferk@pppforum.si>; Boštjan Ferk, PhD, Managing Director at the Institute for Public-Private Partnership, Slovenia and Assistant Professor at the New University, Slovenia. For correspondence: <mailto:bostjan.ferk@pppforum.si>; Katja Hodošček, Researcher at the Institute for Public-Private Partnership, Slovenia and a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana. For correspondence: <mailto:katja.hodoscek@pppforum.si>.


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