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Supply Chain Liability of the Public Buyer?

Vibe Ulfbeck


Keywords: Supply Chain, Liability, Public Buyer

This article analyses the possible liability of the public buyer for work injuries in the supply chain. It investigates the extent to which a duty to protect workers’ rights on the part of the buyer can be found in public procurement law, in human rights law and finally in the principles underlying case based tort law on supply chain liability for private actors. It concludes that even if it is not possible to identify such a duty under public procurement law or under human rights law, ordinary tort law principles may indirectly impose such a duty on the public buyer.

Vibe Ulfbeck, Professor at the Centre for Enterprise Liability (CEVIA), Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark and professor of law at University of Oslo. The article is a contribution to the research project: Public/private Enterprise Liability, funded by the Danish National Research Council for independent research.


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