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Strategic Public Procurement: Facilitating Green, Inclusive and Innovative Growth

European Commission

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/epppl/2017/3/5

Keywords: European Commission, Strategic, Public Procurement, Green, Inclusion, Innovative Growth

Reform of the EU rules on Public Procurement (PP) of 2014, inter alia, brought about numerous changes, additions and updates of previous rules in order to increase flexibility in terms of procedural issues. However, perhaps more importantly, especially as regards long-term perspectives, it also introduced a more flexible notion of Public Procurement which is intended to promote public procurement as a policy instrument. A major part of this new policy approach pertains to so-called ‘strategic public procurement’ comprising green, social and innovative public procurement. Such a policy approach is seen as a way to achieve targets of Europe’s 2020 Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. This article seeks to illustrate the Commission’s approach to strategic public procurement by indicating the existence of opportunities and tools available at EU level, as well as the scope and objectives of the Commission’s policy. It aims to give an overview of strategic public procurement in the context of the new legal framework, to explain the shift toward strategic procurement and finally to give an indication of the further steps the Commission intends to take.

Eurpean Commission, Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs; Directorate for Single Market for Public Administrations; Unit for Public Procurement Strategy.


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