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Climate Public Private Partnerships in the EU:

A Climate Law and Economic Perspective

Christina D. Tvarnø


Keywords: Climate Public Private Partnership, climate law, EU Climate Law Regulation, efficiency, game theory

This article analyses Climate Public Private Partnerships in the light of EU climate law and includes an economic perspective to explain the objectives and efficiency behind Climate Public Private Partnerships. Climate Public Private Partnerships are regulated by EU public procurement law for which reason the legal cross field between EU climate law and EU public procurement law is analysed to evaluate how EU law supports Climate Public Private Partnerships. Furthermore, the article includes game theory as an instrument to assess Climate Public Private Partnerships under EU law. The article concludes that EU law does not include the sufficient legal support to provide efficient Climate Public Private Partnerships as a tool to reach Europe’s climate goals.
Keywords: Climate Public Private Partnership, climate law, EU Climate Law Regulation, efficiency, game theory

Christina D. Tvarnø, Professor, PhD, CBS LAW, Copenhagen Business School. For correspondence: <>.


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