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The search returned 3 results.

Abnormality of Pricing for Public Contracts: journal article

A Diachronic Lens in the Treatment of Price as a Condition of Contract Award

Christopher Bovis, Deividas Soloveičik

European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, Volume 18 (2023), Issue 2, Page 112 - 120

Traditionally and through the evolution of the Public Procurement acquis, works contracts subsidised directly by more than 50% by Member States could fall within the scope of the Works Directive.1 Works that were not subsidised directly, or for less than 50%, fell outside of this anti-circumvention provision. Not all subsidised works fall within the scope of public procurement regulation: only civil engineering works, such as the construction of roads, bridges and railways, as well as building work for hospitals; facilities intended for sports, recreation and leisure; and university buildings and buildings used for administrative purposes are referred to as ‘subsidised works contracts’.2 That list was exhaustive. The Works Directive did not apply to works contracts which are declared secret or the execution of which must be accompanied by special security measures3 in accordance with the laws, regulations or administrative provisions in force in the Member State concerned; nor does the Directive apply to works contracts when the protection of the basic interests of the Member States’ security so required. Finally, the Works Directive did not apply to public works contracts awarded in pursuance of certain international agreements;4 nor did the Directive apply to public works contracts awarded pursuant to the particular procedure of an international organisation5 such as NATO, which has their own rules on the awarding of public works contracts. The new codified Public Sector Directive has introduced a series of new concepts that are the product of jurisprudential inferences and policy refining of the previous legal regimes. They intend to modernise public purchasing, aligning the procurement of government and its agencies with those of utilities that operate in more commercially-oriented environments. Keywords: abnormally low tender; predatory pricing; subsidies

The Evolving Concept of ‘Conflict of Interests’ in the EU Public Procurement Law journal article

Deividas Soloveičik, Karolis Šimanskis

European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, Volume 12 (2017), Issue 2, Page 112 - 131

The concept of conflict of interests is the emerging theme in both the EU public procurement doctrine and legal practice. This article is an endeavour to examine the roots of conflict of interests and to understand if generally applicable features of the concept are equally relevant in public procurement law. It will be shown that there are different types of conflict of interests which are relevant, namely to the practice of public procurement and having the sui generis nature. The publication includes the thorough examination of the EU and Lithuanian case-law related to the conflicts of interest as well as the analysis of the relevant provisions of the Directive 2014/24. Keywords: Public Procurement; Lithuania; Conflicts of Interest; eVigilo; Supreme Court; Directive 2014/24.

The Principle of Effectiveness in Lithuanian Public Procurement Law: This Way or No Way journal article

Deividas Soloveičik

European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, Volume 11 (2016), Issue 2, Page 58 - 71

The present article is the analysis of the Lithuanian case-law in the field of remedies in public procurement law and implementation of the principle of effectiveness in particular. The author considers the national case-law as a good practice example of the successful enforcement of the principle to its fullest extent within the realm of a particular legal jurisdiction. The article suggests that such enforcement of the effective remedies has many gains benefitting the market players and the whole public procurement system. Keywords: Principle of Effectiveness: Lithuanian Case Law; Remedies in Public Procurement Law.

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Current Issue

Issue 2 / 2024