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EPPPL 1/17 is out now!

Our spring issue EPPPL 1/2017 reflects upon the state of affairs one year after the transposition deadline for the 2014 Public Procurement Package has passed. It comprises of country reports not only from the EU Member States Cyprus, Denmark, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain but also EU candidate States Serbia and Ukraine, as well as the Cayman Islands whose relationship with the EU remains indistinct, especially in light of the Brexit discourse. Read our editorial board member Steven Van Gaarse’s co-authored article on PPP contracts on and off balance sheets in view of the recent EPEC-Eurostat Guide. Learn also about PPPs in China and cross-policy implications between public procurement law and, respectively, State aid and competition law.

View all articles now here: http://epppl.lexxion.eu/current_issue/EPPPL?_locale=en

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