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Public Procurement and Natural Disasters:

Lessons from Croatia

Marko Turudić

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/epppl/2020/2/8

Keywords: COVID-19, Croatia, Zagreb earthquake, suspension of public procurement

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken lives and endangered health all across the EU, and has had an profound effect on all aspects of economic activity across the Member States. Unfortunately, the pandemic isn't the only natural disaster affecting Croatia today; on 22 March 2020, Zagreb and its surrounding counties were struck by the strongest recorded earthquake since 1880. Croatian Government has implemented economic measures to mitigate the consequences of these two natural disasters. Two of those measures directly affect public procurement; the suspension of the majority of public procurement procedures and the Draft ‘Zagreb Rebuild Act’, which aims to suspend the Public Procurement Act in the procurement of materials, services and works for the Zagreb earthquake rebuild effort. This article aims to analyse the validity and consequences of those measures.
Keywords: COVID-19, Croatia, Zagreb earthquake, suspension of public procurement

Marko Turudić, Assistant Professor of Administrative Law, University of Zagreb Law School. For correspondence: <mailto:marko.turudic@pravo.hr>.


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